
We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Festival!

We have a new online registration system for your convenience, and all of the required forms are right here to simplify the process. Please remember the following while planning your travels and preparing your candidates:

  • ALL CANDIDATES must be pre-registered in order to participate! CRFF Festival registration for all participants including Candidates must be RECEIVED by October 1. Candidates, this registration is in addition to the application you made to your York Rite Bodies.
  • The Request for Courtesy Work by the Candidate’s York Rite Secretary/Recorder must be received by the Candidate Registrar by October 1.
  • Hotel Registration (included with CRFF registration) must be made by October 1 (Special Accommodations – room upgrades, etc. – NO LATER than September 1). Reservations made directly to the Hotel will not reflect CRFF rates.
  • Attendees and Candidates from other Jurisdictions are encouraged to contact us so we are aware of your presence (Jurisdictions MUST be recognized).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (click here)!

PARTICIPATE! – We are always looking for more Companions and Sir Knights to get involved! If you have a degree team, expertise, or are from a jurisdiction wishing to get fully involved, please contact us.

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